S W E A T — The Sky Leaks I Leak
A workshop series for self identified dykes and trans artists.

Thursday 17 October — Monday 21 October 2019

This workshop series was hosted by Scottish Sculpture Workshop and the Live Art Development Agency through their DIY program. DIY is an opportunity for artists to conceive and run unusual research, training and professional development projects for themselves and other artists.

Over 3 days at Scottish Sculpture Workshop, we will consider collective queer sweat. With no lesbian queer or trans spas and saunas in the UK we generally only experience collective queer sweating in clubs on a night out. These workshops offer an alternative way to sweat and come together, through sauna sitting in the Scottish Sculpture Workshops own on site sauna. This is the time to detox, sweat, listen and breath in a moment of calm and healing. 

We will go on silent walks in rural Scotland, visit the sea, practice automatic writing, drawing, and movement to develop collective scores which will be used for makings ceramic vessels. Our conversations in sauna sittings and on walks will think about the spaces where liquids transform, intermingle and are exchanged, both on the landscape and within our bodies.

Let’s un-straighten, leak, ooze and practice sweating as queer trans dyke resistance. Let’s do sum q u e e r   s a u n a i n g .

This is a space to raise questions where 

conversation can be casual, 

slow / 

slow e d   d o w n 

leaking from one ear into another 

words can travel lightly 

we’ve been longing for a space to breathe. 

take a deep breath 

on the hill 

on the grass

by the side 

of a stream 

deep breaths 

open pores 

c l e a n s i n g 


4 walls 



our skin leaks when we don’t want it to 

but what if we ask it to 

open up 



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